Our lives are continually being interfered with and
being manipulated by outside sources without our blessing or permission.
Things happen in our society that we are expected by some quarters to
accept blindly without question. We are fed “spin” on a daily basis that
frankly, on proper examination is at best, careless with the truth.
We are being told how we should behave and what we
should say by self appointed “political correctness police”.
The social cringe of “political correctness” and fear of being labeled
as a skeptics, bigots, non-believers, Neanderthal, prejudiced and the like has
got out of hand.
It is time to stand up for ourselves and say “I too have a right to an opinion, and a right
to decide”.
I did want to create a web site to express opinions, expose flaws,
propose solutions and open some political decisions to scrutiny.
Domain Names such as :-
Cut The Crap
Cut The Bull
Bovine Excreta Not Accepted (BENA)
Get Real
Stand Up
These domains were not readily available or subject to restrictions.
JACKUP was allowed and was acquired.
Jackup was an expression in common use when I was younger.
If you did not like something, you would “jack up” about it. This would mean
not doing something, do it reluctantly, protest about
it, or complaining bitterly.
The name also connects to “Jack”, my nickname.