Tania Plibersek stood up in parliament and blatantly stated in effect that the less well off were subsidising the the health rebates of the better off!

I believe that is, at best, being careless with the truth.

There are a range of taxes and levies where the more you earn, or the greater the value of the assets you ear, the more dollars you contribute to Government Revenues.

Take Personal Income Tax as the prime example. It is based on what you earn. It is not a flat tax, but increments as your earning increase.

Basic examples (without levies or concessions) were:


$ 6,000 no tax

$ 37,000 $ 4,650 tax

$ 80,000 $17,550 tax

$180,000 $54,550 tax


$ 18,000 no tax

$ 37,000 $ 3,572 tax

$ 80,000 $17,547 tax

$180,000 $54,547 tax

Even though you have the same entitlements and access to services, the more you earn the more you pay.

Means testing the private health rebate appears to be another Tax Grab!

The incentives to work hard and better yourself are getting less and less.