Every day we make choices, and exercise preferences.
We accepted discrimination on natural differences in many cases without question, but complain bitterly in others.
We accept for instance that a 200cm 110kg person cannot be a race jockey. Otherwise we would set a minimum weight to be carried by each horse to allow such a rider to compete.
Why do we fear recrimination for discrimination?
At a social gathering several years ago I was enjoying a challenging debate with a group of feminists. They were decrying the fact of male dominance in some positions. I argued that many of those positions demanded top performance on a continuous basis. They argued that women can perform at the required level on a continuous basis. I then questioned why the women’s lobby was seeking allowance for PMT.
I might be old fashioned, but I celebrate the difference between men and women. Its currently a fact that men cannot have babies.
In the past, selection of the best available person for the job involved discrimination (preference). .
Our survival at times has depended on our ability to discriminate.
I suppose today it depends on the grounds we discriminate.
If there was no discrimination, then we would not have separate toilets for males and females!
Equal opportunity and discrimination are not necessarily one and the same.
The husband of a female politician once said, “there will be no equal opportunity until the commissioner for equal opportunity can be a man!”.