Whether apologists like it or not, Australia, previously occupied only by
tribes(basically nomadic), was colonized by the British, under British Law
and Christian principles.
Apart from the convicts, up until recent times, those who came were mainly
seeking a better life where effort was rewarded and/or were escaping
oppression. This particularly applied to those migrants from WWII who
appreciated our freedom, values and way of life. They did not come to
change this magnificent country or be on welfare. They adapted and
contributed to what was the best country to live.
British Law has stood the test of time. You may not be a Christian, I do
not claim to be a Christian, but the principles are a pretty good guide to
live by.
We are in Danger of losing what was striven for and achieved by our
forebears. Being apathetic, and acceding to what is being forced upon us
by 'Howlers' and 'Rent Seekers' is a major risk.
Most representatives of political parties at present are ‘Professional
Politicians’ without a background in the ‘working world’. They are
beholding to Party Machines, requiring their support to keep their paid
position. They are therefore at the behest of the party, not the whole
electorate for whom they are supposed to represent.
The recent years have been a Political Fiasco. There has been too much
focus on ‘Popularity’(particularly leaders) and unaffordable Vote Buying ,
and far too little on what is right for current and future Australians.
This is an important election for Australia as we knew it. A place where
you got ‘A Fair Go’, and ‘Bludgers’ were outed.
Remember, in the Australian Democracy, there is no spot on the ballot
paper (other than in their own electorate) for Prime Minister, only your
Local or Senate candidates.
It is important not to be apathetic this election. Re-establish what made
Australia great in the first place. If you also, are unhappy with the
current state of politics, seek out and vote for individual candidates
(there may be some within parties) that have the gumption to do what is
‘Right For Australia’, not be bullied by the howlers, and not just act at
the behest of their political masters or in their own self interest.